Pantry Location: 357 S Jefferson Street, Orange
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 341, Short Hills, NJ 07078
Phone: 973.856.4000 English;
908.280.9160 Español
Email: IFPOranges@gmail.com
Client Hours: Wednesdays 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, except the first Wednesday of the month we are closed.

The Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges is currently assisting registered clients on Wednesday mornings, except the first Wednesday of the month, at 357 South Jefferson Street, Orange.
​First-time visitors will receive a bag of non-perishable groceries. For more information, email IFPOranges@gmail.com or call/text 973.856.4000; en español: 908.280.9160.
Snow Policy: In the event of snow or ice on a pantry day, the IFPO follows the Orange School District. If the Orange School District closes for snow or ice, the IFPO will close. Any weather-related schedule changes will be posted on our homepage and on our Facebook page.